17 November 2010

Six months

I cannot believe my baby boy is SIX MONTHS old! Time flies. So far he has turned out to be a totally awesome baby, and a totally adorable handful. This is what's going on in the world of Kimball:
  • He is now weighing in at 20 lbs.

  • Eating his fruits and veggies and whatever else I give him

  • Loves playing with his cousins

  • Crawling and exploring

  • Chewing on just about anything he can get with his two teeth

  • Loves when daddy comes home from work

I'm not even going to pretend --- Kimball is awesome. Motherhood is one of the coolest things ever, and I am so glad to have my little family!

This is the best video of him crawling that I could get, and it's also a little taste of what life is like here... I love it.

27 October 2010

The Defeat of Insanity

So I know last time I posted it was about Insanity, and I just wanted to let the record show that I actually finished it! Boo-ya Insanity. I was thinking about posting before and after pictures if I was confident enough in my result photos, but I've decided against it, because I don't feel the need to put up pictures of my super hot new bod... or maybe I mean my still stretched out baby belly grossness. Oh well.

I must say though, I think the last four weeks of the program were much more effective. I think the first four were to get you in decent enough shape that you can actually do the last four weeks. Total I was able to lose a little over two inches around my waist, and I can definitely see the difference now. I think, had I followed the diet portion of the program, I would have seen the results I really wanted, but I lack self control. Also, I only have one pair of pants that I can actually fit into now, so hopefully soon I will get to go shopping! Too bad pants cost money, and you can't just trade in a pair of your old ones right? That would be nice, but whatever. My favorite part about finishing Insanity, though is --- get ready for it --- I am officially BELOW my pre-pregnancy weight! That's right, I actually did it! So once again I say, "Boo-ya! Insanity!"

So now that I'm done with the craziness, I'm trying to figure out what to do with the exercise portion of my day. I have yet to try running again, but sometime I will get back to it. Lately Sandy and I have been doing these super awesome video workouts that are actually from the same company that produced Insanity, only older. They are cheesy and fun, and not quite as hard, so I like them. But I think it would be cool to make up my own work outs, so I'm trying to get up the courage to take a stab at it, and I don't know what's holding me back, so that's my next goal to achieve. We'll see what becomes of my new goal.

17 September 2010


Suprise for everyone, I'm posting again! So for those of you who don't know, Jacob and I, and also Adam and Sandy who we live with right now, are participating in a program called "Insanity." Basically it's a sixty day program where you work out at your max level for a few minutes and take a 30 second break for recovery. The workouts vary every day but you follow a predetermined schedule from week to week. We're halfway through the program now and I can't decide how I feel about it.

On the one hand, I am definitely a lot stronger than I was when I started, hands down. I can tell because I can do more in the workout and there's a fitness test you do every two weeks. My muscles are getting more defined and such, and I guess I've lost about an inch or so around the middle.

On the other hand, I have not lost ANY weight. I initially lost two pounds, then gained two pounds, and ever since then I just keep fluctuating right around where I started. So even though I probably am seeing results, I don't feel like it. I'm only two or three pounds (depending on the day) from my pre-pregnancy weight, but I just cannot get there.

This next month, however, we start a more serious schedule and I'm really hoping that the first month was more for prep and this next one holds the results I want. I also think, however, that I need to be more resolved to actually get where I want to be. So this is what I am resolving to do today:

-Put my scale away and only check it once a week
-Eat healthier (I'm not cutting out sweets though because I'm not crazy)
-Not sit around all day after I've worked out

That last one is definitely the hardest because I feel like I need to get moving more than just the forty minutes or so I'm exercising, but it's been challenging because I feel like with Kimball that's all I can do for now. It's only three things but I really want to get results, and I'm getting frustrated. I actually really enjoy the workouts and pushing myself and getting sweaty, but I want to know that it's working too. So here we go "Insanity," part 2. We're going to do this thing, and it better work.

13 September 2010

4 months among other things

Pretty sure he's not big enough for this yet but because we went back to Rexburg and I didn't want to have to ask for a ride everywhere I went, we went ahead and got it. Best buy so far, he loves it!

Who needs toys when you can play with a Subway cup?

We started trying him on rice cereal, he doesn't really get the concept of a spoon quite yet but it was fun! This was the beginning of our first time trying, it didn't stay that clean for long...

He went to the doctor last week to get his four month shots and he did suprisingly well! It wasn't nearly as bad as the two month ones. Here's where we are now and what he's up to:

  • 15 lbs. 15 oz. (72nd percentile!)
  • 25.25 inches
  • Rolling from back to stomach
  • Smiles at just about everyone
  • He wants to see everything around him (hence, the stroller that we got being so great)
  • He loves to talk
  • Reaching for toys, mostly so he can chew on them
He's basically doing really well, he's such a good baby!

07 August 2010

3 Months

I cannot believe my handsome little man is three months old! I absolutely love it, I feel like every day I can see him growing! Here's what he's up to now:

  • He is now 13.4 lbs and wearing 3-6 month clothes.

  • He has laughed a few times (first from Becca and then Jacob got him to do it). Sorry, I have yet to capture it in video.

  • He loves attention! I can set him down to get things done, but he still wants me to be right there talking to him.

  • So smiley! He's either scowling at nothing or smiling at his new best friend, Mr. Fan.

  • Holding his head up! He likes tummy time much more than he used to.

  • He is the drool king! I swear my shirt gets soaked every day, and my arms constantly are wet with Kimball's awesome drooliness.

Basically, Kimball is awesome.

16 July 2010

2 Months

So Kimball is two months old now, and in a little under three weeks he's gained two pounds! These are his stats:

  • Weight: 12lbs. 2oz. - 59th percentile

  • Height: 23.25 in. - 62nd percentile

I know it's blurry but it's the only one of him smiling

This is what he's up to now

  • Smiling
  • Getting good control of his head and neck
  • He loves laying on his stomach for tummy time, until he figures out that he can't move his head and then he gets upset

22 June 2010

I cannot believe my handsome baby boy is six weeks old already! Everytime people see him they tell me how little he is, but he is SO big! He is now 22 inches, and 10 lbs, 2 ounces!

He even poses while he sleeps

He's starting to like bathtime, until you get his head wet

Pretty much the face he always makes, like there's always something to be concerned about

Daddy and Kimball watching the World Cup, it's been like this every day since it started, and I'm not complaining

This was taken earlier today, he actually sat in there for a few minutes and looked out the window, it was great!

So that's my baby boy, he's starting to get little leg rolls, and he's started smiling, but mostly in the mornings, or when he knows he's supposed to be sleeping. It's a good thing he's so completely adorable, or parenthood would be a lot harder.

10 May 2010

Pictures of Delivery

This our new son Kimball Douglas Buffington. He is a handsome fellow that is just perfect in many ways. When he was coming out and the nurse noticed he had hair, Kristin and I then had a exciting high-five moment. However, we didn't know how hairy he was later on in the delivery. His whole scalp is covered with hair and even his back. He was 7 lbs and 7 oz, 19 in long, and was born at 8:10pm. So, enjoy his adorable pictures.

30 April 2010

10 Honest Things

I figured since Caitlyn challenged me to do this, and I haven't posted in awhile, I'll go ahead and write ten honest things. I'm assuming it's to be about me and my life, so that's what I'm doing:

1. I worry about what kind of mom I am going to be. I'm sure every new mom worries about it, but when I get upset I am very impatient and tend to cry a lot. I'm worried that I won't be able to cope with the frustrations of parenting, not that I will hurt my children, but that I won't be able to raise them like they need to be. I also worry that they won't take me seriously, because I will have an emotional breakdown in the middle of trying to reprimand them.

2. I like being pregnant. Maybe part of that stems from the fact that I technically have a child, and I don't actually have to worry too much about them quite yet, and so it's easy. Even at 38 + weeks, mostly I'm still really happy with just being pregnant for now. I like that I am not stressed out about eating or exercising, and that I still feel really good about my body. I like that I have not gotten stretch marks yet, and trust me, I check every day for them. I like feeling him squirming around because it means he is doing well and he is alive.

3. My mood is easily affected by the weather. I don't like snow anymore, partly because it is still snowing in Rexburg on some days, but mostly because people have to drive in it. I am terrified of driving in the snow or any kind of bad weather. Thunderstorms, because of more recent past experiences, make me nervous. Again, especially while driving. I start shaking if we're in the car and the weather starts to turn bad. All I can think of at those times is that something bad is going to happen. Wind also makes me mad. I don't know why, maybe because it messes up my hair or something, but everytime that it is noticeably windy, I get cranky.

4. I really love my in-laws. I always worried about that before I got married, that my husbands family wouldn't like me, or that I'd feel really awkward around them because of how quiet I can be. What I love is how I feel comfortable with all of them, and that I enjoy spending time with them. It's awesome.

5. I hate it when people talk about fad diets of any kind. I think all fad diets are stupid and so are people that try them (sorry). They don't work. I also think things like lipo and other weight loss surgeries are a cop out unless they are medically necessary, but usually they aren't. The only proven way to lose weight and keep it off is diet and exercise, sorry but that's proven.

6. The only career I really want is to be a stay at home mom. Sometimes I feel like I'm lazy because people ask me what I'm going to do with my degree, and I'm too scared to tell them that I want to use it solely to raise my kids. But that's what I really want. It would be cool to be a personal trainer or do something like that if I need to work, but in all truthfulness, I just want to have Jacob work so that I can take care of our children. It may be lazy to some people, but I don't think so.

7. I am an awkward person. I think one of the reasons Jacob and I work so well together is because he always has something to say and I hardly ever do. Sometimes I even have a hard time with people I've known all my life. Sometimes I just feel awkward.

8. I like reading books more than I like watching tv. Books seem to be much more captivating, and you really get to understand the characters so much better. It's just so much easier to have the tv on, because I can do other things while I'm watching it. I watch tv more, but I like books better.

9. I don't have any hobbies. I tried crocheting, and it got boring half way through. I don't think I'm crafty enough for a sewing project, plus we don't have a sewing machine. It makes me wonder what I really will be doing with the rest of my life. I don't want to resort to tv because it's there and get really lazy. I can't even keep myself occupied on the computer for more than 15 minutes, and that's when I'm trying. I do want a hobby though, because the one time I did successfully crochet I felt so accomplished. Too bad it got really boring for me. I think it's not so much that I want a hobby, but I want to be doing things that make me feel like my life is worth while and productive.

10. I'm not worried about the future. There are so many things out there that say that I should be. Having a baby while my husband is in school, looking at the state of the economy and jobs, not knowing where we'll be three years down the road... The list is forever long. But, ever since I've known I wanted to marry Jacob, I haven't worried about my future. It may just be Heavenly Father's way of telling me that things will turn out just fine, or it may just be that I am completely in denial. Either way, for now, I am really happy with the way things are and I know that everything will turn out however it turns out.

07 April 2010

Things I have discovered

I have learned recently that I am not only capable, but that I have actually finished a craft! Yes, I am crafty! I made this blanket for Kimball, and all of you crafty-er people out there, don't tell me what's wrong with this blanket, I don't want to know, nor am I going to fix it.

This isn't a new discovery, but it's a fun past time that I have developed since becoming pregnant.

So, living where we do, we have DVR. If you don't know, when you pull up a show you can read a brief description of the show. We are new found fans of American Idol this season, and so I was going to pull it up to watch it and just happened to catch the description:

15 February 2010

I always wait until I have like six different things to post about and then can't decide which one to start with. Let's see...

Well, I went in to get my hair fixed up the other day. I've decided I've had enough of two inch long roots. It got bad enough that I hated straightening my hair because it looked really awful. So I decided that since I'm pretty awful at keeping up with my hair I'd just go back to my natural hair color. As most of you remember me, I've always had hair that was something like this:

So when I told them to go back to my natural hair color, I wasn't quite expecting that, but something in between blonde and brown. This is what I got:

So, I guess this is my natural hair color. I didn't think it had gotten that dark, but that's what I've been told, so it must be true.

Next up: I have graduated college, and for real this time! I can prove it:

Yay, my degree came in the mail today, so it's official! Woo hoo!

And this is me, not quite 28 weeks pregnant, and officially in my third trimester!

And this is me on Valentine's day, yay for chocolate!

And this is Jacob's new favorite place to study:

Yes, that is our bathtub. Luxurious, no?

28 January 2010

Cooking... story of my life

So, as most of you know, I am not an expert chef, and that is not my greatest desire, but I am generally happy when I'm able to cook something and it turns out to be good (Or so Jacob tells me). These last two nights I thought I would try something I've never done before, as easy or traditional as they may be. I just thought I'd share my experiences with you:

MEATLOAF: Night #1

I mentioned trying to make this a few weeks ago and Jacob got really excited. Of course, it takes me a few weeks to get around to actually trying it, so two nights ago he was gone and I thought I'd give it a go. I mixed it all up, as disgusting as it looked, and threw it in the oven to cook. I was clearing off my dishes to throw in the dishwasher, it doesn't really clean it, just sanitizes. As I was washing one of my favorite mixing bowls, I went to put it in the dishwasher, but it slipped out of my hand, fell a whopping two inches onto the counter, and cracked perfectly in half. Amazing. Not only is this bowl perfect for mixing things for me and Jacob since it's so small and there are only two of us, but it was from our wedding. Being the pregnant and semi-irrational person I seem to have become, I was angry for about an hour at nothing in particular, so I grabbed one of our Jone's soda's and had at it. Thank goodness Jacob liked the meatloaf, because I discovered/remembered upon taking my first bite, that I did not.


So the next night rolls around and I'm feeling pretty good and in the mood to cook, and I really want Asian food. I found a recipe for it that looked SUPER easy, and I had all the ingredients, which is rare, so I thought I'd go for it. Sadly enough, I did not have the right size mixing bowl because of the prior night's events, but I made due. So I mixed up the sauce, and set it on the stove to boil, as the directions say. I turned around and was getting the chicken ready to put on the stove, and turned around just in time to see the contents of my sauce boiling over. Now, this may not seem too bad, but it was. I quickly removed the pot from it's location to a cooler spot and turned off the stove, but a majority of the sauce had already spilled over, and then it got awesome. It's an electric stove, and so even when you turn off the heat right away it takes a while to cool down. Because so much had spilled over, it started to smoke. And not just a little smoke, LARGE, DARK clouds of smoke! It very quickly filled up the house, even though we opened the doors and turned on the fans, and very soon after, the fire alarm went off. Again, amazing. All the residents got really confused and kept trying to do things (like shut the door) while me and the worker were trying to clear the smoke to get the fire alarm to go off! And where is Jacob? At school. So I'm freaking out, because the sprinkler system is supposed to go off, thankfully it didn't. But it took us a good ten to fifteen minutes to get that loud, screeching alarm to stop. And go figure, right as we're about done, who walks in the door? My wonderful husband. By this time I'm not a happy camper and on the verge of a breakdown, and he asks me why I didn't turn off the fire alarm. Needless to say, I decided not to answer that one. Partly because he couldn't have heard over that ridiculously loud alarm, the other part... goes for itself. Well, it finally turned off, and what did I do? I grabbed our last Jone's soda, and drank it. Thankfully the meal turned out well.

So, here's to hoping that I have no more cooking excursions like that, because I finished off the last of our Jone's soda.

14 January 2010

23 Weeks and counting!

So I posted this on facebook, but not everyone is on facebook all the time so I thought I'd put it here too, for those of you who keep telling me to post more belly pics.

I don't know why all of our pictures have a blue tint. It always bothers me so sorry if it bothers you too! We're looking into getting a new camera, we'll see when that actually happens though!

03 January 2010

"YES, we've done it!"

In the words of the movie Little Giants, we did it! We're having a boy! I'm pretty sure everyone who reads this already knows but, that's fine with me. I'd put up a picture for everyone, but during the ultrasound our little man decided he'd like to stay put on his tummy rather than roll over for us, so that we couldn't get a good shot of his profile, and some other essential things, so we get to have another ultrasound next month! Nothing to worry about though, everything else looks fantastic, he's just decided to either be a really stubborn child, or really lazy. I'm not hoping for either but that's how it goes. So I'll get pictures up when I get them. This is a picture of what I look like though:

This picture is actually from about three weeks ago, so I've expanded a bit since then, I just never get around to taking pictures. I've had to buy my first set of maternity clothes and such, which are so much more comforable than my jeans, thank goodness!

I also bought our little boy his first outfits, and it is so cool! I am totally loving knowing what he is, so now I can really plan for it! I'll have to take pictures of those too, because they are super cute, and I know everyone wants to see them (Ok, maybe just me).

Aside from being super psyched about having a boy, it's been a fantastic few weeks! I have finished college (although I am secretly waiting for them to contact me and tell me I haven't taken all of the right classes). It is the weirdest thing to be done, mostly because I have nothing to do all day now. So if anyone has hobbies they would like to introduce me to, now would be the time.

We also got to spend a fantastic Christmas with Jacob's oldest brother and his family! I had a blast, even if it wasn't the full-blown Buffington Christmas. We had such a good time relaxing and spending time with them, we always wish it would last longer! We did get new pajamas from the Elves also, and they are super comfy!

These other pictures are just some from what we've been doing the last few weeks.